
Is it time for the U.S. Navy to reconsider the supercarrier? - Video Summary

Continued problems of the Ford Class aircraft carrier raises questions.
Adaptation. We have already entered a technology conundrum where technological effectiveness can overcome powerful technology on some critical levels, such as drones. The problem is obvious, the solution not so much. So we are at the earliest stages of innovation - we we have always succeeded since 1620. Our thoughts are radio and radiation waves that can disable or even fry electronics are going to be next in the technology innovation - omnidirectional as well as focused. A link is provided for the original post if you would rather read than view the video. -

The aircraft carrier has been the backbone of the U.S. Navy since World War II with the aircraft carrier serving as a frontline of U.S. power projection. It has also served as a symbol of U.S. power and therefore has also served a diplomatic power on what is a U.S. priority during geopolitical upheaval. The continued cost overruns and production issues and the advances in modern warfare technology leads to the question is it time to reconsider the role of the aircraft carrier in its current supercarrier state?

Original Substack Article:

Ford Class Carrier

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