Ukraine is not in the Bible as far as I know, but Russias occupation of Crimea in February of 2014 might be something to consider for future use. I believe that Russia is one of the leading countries that will be involved in the Northern invasion of Israel during the Tribulation. Ezekiel chapter 38 speaks of several nations who will join forces at that time in the invasion (I think it will be around the middle of the tribulation). Zechariah chapters 12-14 also speak of that time. The reason I mention this is that the geographical location of Crimea and Ukraine might be the reason Russia is trying to occupy more of that region might be to provide an opportunity for invasion through that isthmus between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea .

I just thought that you might be interested in something that the Bible said concerning what’s happening right now in the world.

Have a great day.

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I appreciate the perspective and I am not minimizing your point, but I think it will take something Biblical to find a way out of the war. But it needs to end.

I will read your points because I have a lot of interest in Russia, mainly Moscow, and how parts of the Byzantine Christian remnants settled in Russia after the empire was defeated by the Turks.

Thank you again for the passage guide and the point of view. Have a great day too.

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